HUGE Announcement: Queering the Runes is now a COURSE

Troll Brev.


I'm so thrilled to announce that I've transformed "Queering the Runes" into a full-blown course!

Last winter, when I taught the last fully live version of my "Radical Runes" course, I said that it was because I had too much material for a live course. I wanted to go deeper, and it was so hard to take things OUT of the class so that I could fit it into a reasonable amount of time (read: six 2-hr long sessions). I wanted to give a full lecture for each rune, as well as provide generous space for cultural context and nuance.

That was simply too difficult to do given the time constraints of a live course!

Hence: Creating a pre-recorded class.

But here's the thing, I love teaching.

I didn't want the course to be entirely self-paced, because I like to engage with students. I love the interaction! I love how conversations with and between students furthers all of our learning! (Am I a closet extrovert? ...maybe)

So here it is: Queering the Runes.

Journey to the heart of the Nordic oracle, and journey deep into yourself.

Have you ever been curious about Norse runes - but unsure if you would be welcomed by runecasters? Are you interested in tapping into the Web of Wyrd and learning more about fate and seership from a Norse perspective? Are you queer as hell and not interested in learning from someone who won't recognize your identity?

This is the rune course for you!

By the end of this course, you should be comfortable working with the runes in a variety of divination situations and you should feel comfortable working with runes to create bindrunes for magical purposes.

The course features:

  • One full audio lecture + transcript for each of the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark
  • Context Clues, aka background material about Runic History, Nordic Culture, and other aspects of Heathenry
  • Worksheets and journal prompts to develop your own relationship with the runes
  • Expanded rune magic information, including Galdr and Seidr techniques, bindrunes, working runes into sigilcraft, and more
  • Guided meditations to connect you deeper to the material
  • An introduction to the queer gods and other figures of Norse mythos

But - here's the super exciting hybrid news! Throughout the first three months after the material becomes available, there will be online meet-ups to get to know other students, Q&A sessions, and office hours. There will also be a dedicated area of my discord server for students of the course to mingle, chat, and talk about the material.

Join us, won't you? As we travel to the ends of the nine worlds and back!

And before I leave you - CONSENT CHECK!

I'll be real: I'm gonna be sending a lot of juicy emails regarding the course over the next two months. I'll be real: My essays are going to take on a decidedly runic bent over the next few months, and that will all tie in and dovetail with the course. But I will also be sending reminders about application deadlines, testimonials, etc.

If you want to opt out of email reminders about the course, but want to keep the personal essays from me coming, you can click here.

Hope all is well in your part of the world, and until next time, stay weird.

Siri Vincent Plouff

Siri Vincent Plouff

Siri Vincent Plouff (they/she) is the host of the Heathen's Journey Podcast and co-author of Lessons from the Empress: A tarot workbook for self-care and creative growth. They are trollkunning and practice völva stav in Minneapolis, MN.

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