
Siri Vincent Plouff

Siri Vincent Plouff (they/she) is the host of the Heathen's Journey Podcast and co-author of Lessons from the Empress: A tarot workbook for self-care and creative growth. They are trollkunning and practice völva stav in Minneapolis, MN.

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Folk Magic, Chaos Magic, and DIY Witchcraft

Troll Brev. What's your system? Hello hello! I've been thinking a lot about magical paradigms lately, and what that means as a folk magician. For most of my magical career I have either written my own spells and rituals or I have heavily adapted spells and rituals from other practitioners. This is what works for me; I was taught early on that it's important to customize things, that they will be more effective and impactful. But lately I've been thinking about what exactly it means to write...

Troll Brev. Oh my goodness, January FLEW by! I've been busily writing and recording lectures behind the scenes for the course, and with everything going on in the world it has been hard for me to balance talking about how excited I am for this course with the actual writing of the course. I'm absolutely falling in love with this course model. The Queering the Runes course will be a mixture of live sessions as well as recorded. The base lectures - all of the lectures on the runes, as well as...

Troll Brev. A Year of Rune Magic Pre-S: Quick reminder that registration is still open for "Queering the Runes! Check it out here One of the things that's been coming up lately for me is the idea of immersion. Of balancing dedication with play and experimentation. This is one of the reasons that I've been loving the new podcast, Chaos and Cunning, so very much. It's allowing me to be more experimental in what information from my practice I share. I turned to more modern forms of magic after...

Troll Brev. Hey everyone! I’ve been hard at work today recording the audio for the Queering the Runes course, and I wanted to share a little something with all of you. I’ve intentionally designed the “Queering the Runes” course to be mostly recorded, but also partially live. I know that I tend to get so much more out of an online course when I can interact with the other students and the teacher. So of course there’s a part of my discord server that I’m designing for students to use, and I...

Troll Brev. IT'S FINALLY HERE! I'm so thrilled to announce that I've transformed "Queering the Runes" into a full-blown course! Last winter, when I taught the last fully live version of my "Radical Runes" course, I said that it was because I had too much material for a live course. I wanted to go deeper, and it was so hard to take things OUT of the class so that I could fit it into a reasonable amount of time (read: six 2-hr long sessions). I wanted to give a full lecture for each rune, as...

A forest filled with lots of tall trees

Troll Brev. it's that time of year again This essay originally appeared on my Patreon before being sent out to the broader newsletter. If you would also like early access to my writing (or just to support my writing generally speaking), you can subscribe to the Patreon here. This week is Thanksgiving in the United States, and many of us are preparing to have difficult conversations with family. It's become a widespread joke in the dominant culture that "well Thanksgiving will be a mess." This...

Troll Brev. I'm teaching "Queering the Runes" online through the Fellowship of Fire and Ice! And tomorrow (October 18th) is the registration deadline! Details: Monday, October 21st at 6pm PST // 8pm CST The sliding scale for workshops runs from $15 to $50 based on what you can best afford. The Fellowship of Fire and Ice is a radically inclusive heathen organization that strives to provide safe spaces to learn heathenry. I am so happy to be teaching with them and honored to be among such...

Troll Brev. An Unexpected Twist If you've been following my work for a while, you may have noticed that I'm a bit obsessed with time. I love marking the passage of time, finding ways to celebrate, and being in connection with the natural world in a way that feels ultra tangible. I used to have a paid version of this newsletter where I put out ritual suggestions for every month, and I included a breakdown of Nordic ancestral traditions. Before that, I put out New and Full moon ritual guides on...

Troll Brev. IT'S TIME! "QUEERING THE RUNES" IS ALMOST HERE! Preorder!! We're a little less than a month and a half away from the release date for "Queering the Runes!" I've been so focused on stuff for Lore that the time has absolutely flown and I can't believe the book is almost here. I've been dreaming and scheming some new and exciting ways to share even more goodness with you all. I have the launch parties for the book all scheduled! The book itself comes out on Monday, November 4th. I...

Troll Brev. overcoming spiritual exhaustion and capitalism Hello! One of the things that is absolutely beautiful about being a pagan is that cycles are sort of naturally built into our faith. Cycles, circles, spirals are all very natural, an incredibly grounding force in the spiritual life. Paganism does not require you to constantly improve, moving forward in a straight line toward your ultimate enlightenment, and never stumbling. Let's leave that alone. This understanding is really helpful...

Troll Brev. I am so happy to announce that our first physical books are in the online shop! The concept of Lore Books and Supplies has always been very book-first one, with products as additional supports in your own practice, and I'm so thrilled to bring these to you. And what better way to celebrate the addition of books to the shop than with a little back to school sale? Take 15% off your order with code BACK2SCHOOL at checkout! Sale is on now through September 1st! Shop Today It was only...